If you need help Paying your rent Online CALL US!! 315-782-8497.
All we need is your email address, and we will get you the details you need.
Neighbors of Watertown is committed to the financial well-being of our community and we can help in times of economic stress. Our housing counselor can assist with the following challenges:
Financial problems due to disaster
Contacting the mortgage lender and other creditors
Protecting credit and managing bills
Avoiding Scams
Please contact Angelica to set up a consultation: angelica@neighborsofwatertown.com / (315) 782-8497
For Housing Needs or Concerns: Please fill out the Online Application or contact our Rental Department: rental@neighborsofwatertown.com / (315) 782-8497
First Time Homebuyer Classes for 2025 are now available!